LFI Vice Chair Michael Dugher MP warns of anti-Semitism dressed up as anti-Zionism

Michael Dugher MP has written an article for the The Jewish Cronicle about anti-Semitism being dressed up as anti-Zionism.  You can read it here:

We still need to speak up on ‘mainstream’ anti-Semitism

In 2006, the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism warned that antisemitism was creeping into the mainstream with traditional antisemitic themes – dressed up as “anti-Zionism” – mounting a comeback. Sadly, this has not abated over the past few years.

Good luck Ha’avoda

Good luck Ha’avoda by Ben Garratt:

Israel goes to the polls today for its general election. At Labour Friends of Israel, we make the progressive case for Israel, drawing attention to the country’s vibrant democracy, civil society and economic sphere in all its varied guises.

Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander visits Israel and the Palestinian territories with Labour Friends of Israel and says that a negotiated outcome to the conflict is urgent

Shadow Foreign Secretary Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP and Shadow Middle East Minister Ian Lucas MP visited Israel and the Palestinian territories with Labour Friends of Israel last week. During the two-day visit, the shadow foreign team visited communities in southern Israel blighted by rocket fire from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Read more…

Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband tells the LFI Annual Lunch “I’m grateful to Israel, I respect Israel, I admire Israel… I will ensure that the Labour party remains a strong and steadfast friend of Israel in good times as well as bad”

Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP, in a speech to the Labour Friends of Israel Annual Lunch, spoke extremely warmly about Israel and LFI, stating: “I want to say very clearly I’m grateful to Israel, I respect Israel, I admire Israel and that is why I’m proud to be here to Read more…