Christian Wakeford MP

LFI chair Steve McCabe MP

LFI vice-chair John Spellar MP

Today, a number of LFI officers and parliamentarians addressed the Zionist Federation’s annual lobby day for Israel, held in Parliament.

This year’s lobby day focused on the proscription of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a terrorist group that has already been proscribed by the US, EU, Canada, Japan and Australia.

LFI chair Steve McCabe spoke his and LFI’s commitment to “continue to expose and confront anti-Zionist antisemitism in all its ugly forms”, adding that “the hard left’s obsession with Israel is a clear and consistent breach of the IHRA definition of antisemitism and we must say so emphatically”. He also made clear his belief that “we must stand with those striving for reconciliation and collaboration between Israelis and Palestinians”, including via the International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace.

LFI vice-chair John Spellar also addressed the room, in which he spoke about the “need to reiterate and reaffirm our intention to enable the people of the Middle East to live prosperous lives for themselves and enjoy security”, which was threatened by “Iran’s funding and inspiring of terrorist activities”, of which “Israel is one of their prime targets”.

LFI parliamentary supporter Christian Wakeford also spoke, making h his support for Israel and the Jewish community clear, as well as calling for the proscription of both the PFLP and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps.