In LFI’s new pamphlet, The New Middle East: A Progressive Approach, contributors explored how the Middle East is changing and what a progressive UK foreign policy response might be. In this webinar, a number of the pamphlet authors and Chatham House experts discussed the publication’s main arguments and recommendations.

Prof Yossi Mekelberg (Associate Fellow, Chatham House Middle East and North Africa Programme), Baroness Meta Ramsay of Cartvale (Labour Peer; Chair, Labour Friends of Israel in the House of Lords), Gary Kent (Secretary, All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Kurdistan Region in Iraq), Dr Emman El-Badawy (Director, Extremism & Middle East Policy, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change), and Greg Shapland (Associate Fellow, Chatham House Middle East and North Africa Programme) joined the fascinating discussion, which ranged from the Arab Spring, civil wars, and diplomatic, demographic and economic changes.

You can watch the full discussion here.