A number of LFI peers have this evening taken part in a debate on ‘calming the violence and build a lasting peace between the government of Israel and the Palestinian people’ in the House of Lords.

LFI Lords chair Baroness Ramsay

LFI Lords chair Baroness Ramsay reminded colleagues of how Iran’s support for terrorism in the region represents a significant barrier to peace. She also again demanded to know why the UK government has not yet proscribed the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) despite longstanding briefings to the contrary, and expressed LFI’s disappointment at the UK’s absence from the negotiation of the Abraham Accords in 2020, pushing the government on its plans “to support further normalisation between Israel and the Arab world”.

LFI parliamentary supporter Lord Watson

LFI parliamentary supporter Lord Watson echoed Baroness Ramsay, highlighting the renewed emphasis on “statecraft and leadership” that the Abraham Accords could present for the wider peace process.

LFI parliamentary supporter Lord Turnberg

LFI parliamentary supporter Lord Turnberg warns against “getting involved in the blame game” in response to recent violence in Israel and the West Bank, instead urging international actors to find constructive steps that promote peace.

Lastly, Baroness Ramsay once again urged the UK government to “follow up its very warm words” with a “concrete contribution” towards the International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, as envisaged by the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP).