Today’s FCDO orals session saw LFI parliamentarians push the government on a number of policy issues.

LFI parliamentary supporter and former LFI chair Andrew Gwynne MP asked the foreign secretary about UK support for the International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, noting that it is now five years since the UK government expressed its support for the Fund in principle, but that “warm words have followed but very little action”.

He specifically urged the government to use the upcoming G7 meeting in May to push the international community to support the Fund, as envisioned by the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP).

PLP chair John Cryer MP likewise pushed the government on a longstanding and long-awaited policy: proscription of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which remains unfulfilled despite months of media briefings and speculation.

Describing the IRGC, the Iranian regime’s ideological terror army, as “a bunch of clerical fascists and homicidal maniacs”, John pointed out cross-party support across the House for proscription and urged the foreign secretary to “make that final step and just proscribe them”.