At today’s Foreign Office Questions session, LFI parliamentarians questioned the government on a number of issues relating to Israel and the Middle East.

Shadow Tech Minister and LFI parliamentary supporter Alex Davies-Jones MP

Shadow Tech Minister and LFI parliamentary supporter Alex Davies-Jones MP asked what work the Foreign Office was doing to encourage the use of innovative tech and AI to promote coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians. She later tweeted about her experiences joining LFI’s February delegation to Israel, including visiting the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation and meeting Tech2Peace, a people-to-people coexistence organisation that brings together young Israelis and Palestinians through learning about tech.

LFI parliamentary supporter Andrew Gwynne MP

Later at the session, LFI parliamentary supporter and former LFI chair Andrew Gwynne MP once again asked the government why it would not proscribe the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the Iranian regime’s terror army, as a terrorist group. “Why wont the government do what people on both sides of this chamber want?” he asked, including pointing to the IRGC’s reported activity in the UK.