MDA armoured ambulance > Tewfik, CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons

An Israeli man was shot and seriously wounded in a terror shooting attack in the West Bank on Sunday morning.

His two daughters were also lightly hurt in the attack.

According to the IDF, a Palestinian gunman opened fire from a passing vehicle at the victim’s car on a highway near Tekoa, south of Bethlehem and about 10 miles south of Jerusalem.

The Magen David Adom ambulance service said that its medics took a 35-year-old man to the Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

He was said to be in a serious but stable condition.

His two daughters, aged 9 and 14, were also taken to hospital for light injuries caused by shrapnel.

The victims were later named as Elroi Kapach and his daughters Rachel and Avigayil, who lived in the nearby settlement of Nokdim.

The alleged gunman was arrested by members of the IDF in Bethlehem.

Troops also seized the car used by the alleged terrorist, along with the M-16 assault rifle suspected to have been used in the attack.

Following this arrest, the suspect was identified in reports as Amar al-Najjar, a 26-year-old Hamas activist from Hebron who had previously served time in an Israeli prison.

Palestinian gunmen have repeatedly targeted Israeli civilians on roads both in Israel and the West Bank this year.