Steps to a two state solution: For Israel, for Palestine, for peace

Step Sixteen: Support steps towards a permanent Gaza ceasefire

Hamas’ refusal to renounce violence and terrorism, accept Israel’s right to exist within the framework of a two-state solution, and agree to abide by past diplomatic agreements makes the prospect of a peace deal between the terror group and the Jewish state a remote one. Similarly, the terror group’s refusal to disarm has repeatedly hampered Mahmoud Abbas’ efforts to bring about Palestinian unity and return Gaza to the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority.

Nonetheless, a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, such as that which the former UN Middle East peace process special envoy Nickolay Mladenov worked to broker with the assistance of Egypt, remains both realistic and an urgent necessity. Indeed, between 2019-2021, a degree of “quiet” was maintained on the Gaza border, largely thanks to economic concessions and the Israeli-facilitated transfer of Qatari financial aid – some $30m per month – to the enclave. A permanent ceasefire should aim to end rocket and terror attacks on Israel, ensure urgent humanitarian and reconstruction work, and assist the process of the reunification of Gaza and the West Bank. 

Further Reading:

Israel, Egypt hold talks towards Gaza permanent ceasefire

After ceasefire, Israel and Hamas revert to calibrated routine of provocation and reprisal