LFI vice-chair Cat McKinnell MP has today written to Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Secretary Liz Truss calling for the FCDO to approach the Biden administration to discuss the UK taking up one of the international seats on the board of the International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace.

This followed the news that the US Agency for International Development had appointed an advisory board tasked with recommending how $250 million of funding for coexistence projects would be spent, as picked by US lawmakers Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell.

Ms McKinnell, a longstanding champion of the International Fund in Parliament, warned the Foreign Secretary that “time is running out for the UK to take up a leadership role” following the announcements from Washington.

She appealed for Liz Truss to “approach the Biden administration as a matter of urgency” in order to ensure a leadership role for the UK in the International Fund.

You can read Cat’s full better below.