LFI chair Joan Ryan has written to the shadow international development secretary, Kate Osamor, asking her to clarify Tweets she made over the weekend supporting the BDS movement. Below the words “BDS movement #freedom #Justice #Equality”, Ms Osamor added a link to the Middle East Institute for Understanding and an explanation of the BDS campaign’s objectives. She also Retweeted a message from the BDS South Africa organisation. Her position appears to contradict statements made by the shadow foreign secretary, Emily Thornberry at last month’s LFI lunch opposing BDS.

In her letter, Ms Ryan wrote: “The BDS movement is morally wrong. It seeks to demonise and delegitimise the world’s only Jewish state and thus call into question its right to exist. BDS also does nothing to advance the cause of peace, reconciliation and coexistence. The BDS campaign undermines the work of those Israelis – including our sister party, the Israeli Labor party – who are seeking to advance a two-state solution.” She added: “As a member of the shadow cabinet, I would ask you to clarify that you support the party’s long-standing position, as outlined by the shadow foreign secretary.”

You can read coverage here and the full letter here.