Ayatollah Khamenei. Image Credit: Tasnim News, CC BY 4.0.

Iranian media has marked the anniversary of the 2020 assassination of general Qasem Soleimani by revealing new details about Iran’s support for Palestinian terror groups.

An article from the Tasnim News branch in Damascus, Syria, reveals how the Islamic Republic ran guns and technology to Palestinian groups under Soleimani’s leadership of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Quads Force.

Soleimani worked for more than two decades to make Iran the “most relevant [supporter] to different groups in Palestine”, the article boasts.

The report claims that Soleimani “worked closely with all these groups, regardless of their religious or political tastes, and this strategy was able to multiply the power of the resistance against the Zionist regime in Palestine”.

Incoming deputy secretary-general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Khalid Jabril spoke about meetings with Soleimani to discuss the ongoing Syrian Civil War, in which Soleimani was able to “was able to completely change the geography of the region” in coordination with Hezbollah and the Assad regime.

The report revealed Iranian collaboration with Gaddafi’s Libya to import weapons to the Gaza Strip.

It also hinted at Iranian support for the Second Intifada which took place in 2000, which has not been claimed before.

The report also confirmed well-documented missile development and provision for Hamas, the terror group that governs Gaza and is committed to Israel’s destruction.