David Lammy laying a wreath on behalf of the Labour Party at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem

Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy was joined by LFI director Michael Rubin on a visit to Israel last week, as part of a three-day fact-finding mission in which he also visited Jordan and the Palestinian Territories.

During the visit, David visited Yad Vashem to pay respect to the victims of the Holocaust, met with Israeli Labor leader Merav Michaeli and Meretz MK Yair Golan, and was briefed on the regional security situation.

Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy meeting Israeli Labor leader Merav Michaeli in Tel Aviv

Speaking following his trip, David said: “It was great to have the chance to visit Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories after visiting Jordan last week. Labour is committed to rebuilding relations with our sister parties in Israel. In government we would seek a positive and constructive relationship, rooted in our commitment to supporting the goal of a negotiated, diplomatic settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on two states: a safe and secure Israel, alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state.”

Commenting on the visit, LFI director Michael Rubin said: “David Lammy’s first visit to Israel as Shadow Foreign Secretary is an important moment in the restoration of Labour’s deep and historic ties of friendship with the Jewish state.

“David participated in a moving memorial service at Yad Vashem, including laying a wreath in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. During the visit we also met with Merav Michaeli, leader of the Israeli Labor party, to reaffirm the crucial sister party relationship, as well as receiving a briefing on the wider regional security situation, and giving our support to those campaigning for peace and a two-state solution.”