LFI’s campaign in support of the establishment of an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace received a major boost this week with the endorsement of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jewish Leadership Council.

In a joint statement backing the Fund, which aims to provide much-needed funding for coexistence projects, Gillian Merron, chief executive of the Board of Deputies and Simon Johnson, chief executive of the JLC, said:

“While direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are currently stalled, this is no excuse for the world to stand idle. Instead, we should be investing now in the kind of grassroots people-to-people projects which bring together Israelis and Palestinians and promote the values of peace, coexistence and reconciliation which will be needed to underpin any future political progress. We are pleased to support LFI’s campaign in support of an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, which will help boost this much-needed on the ground, civil society work. We call on the government to support this initiative and use its influence in international fora to help bring this fund to fruition.”