On Tuesday November 17th LFI hosted a parliamentary briefing with John Lyndon, Executive Director of ALLMEP, the Alliance for Middle East Peace.

ALLMEP is a coalition of over 125 organisations—and tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis—building people-to-people cooperation, coexistence, equality, shared society, mutual understanding, and peace among their communities.

The briefing was a unique opportunity for parliamentarians to hear about the important work ALLMEP is doing regarding support for people-to-people coexistence and the creation of an international fund for Israeli-Palestinian peace. LFI has long been campaigning for this crucial initiative. The international fund “is envisioned as a $200 million annual fund dedicated to creating the civic foundations upon which a lasting peace can be built. The fund would scale and incentivize the further development of highly effective people-to-people programs, enabling them to achieve national and institutionalized levels of reach and impact, transforming attitudes and lived experiences within and between each society.”

Categories: CoexistenceIsraelNews