Following reports that the UK security services in 2015 foiled an plot by Hezbollah agents in the UK,  LFI chair Joan Ryan has written to Home Secretary Sajid Javid expressing concern about the withholding of information about the plot from both the public and parliament.

Until February of this year, only Hezbollah’s military wing was proscribed, with the so-called ‘political wing’ allowed to operate on UK shores. LFI succeeded in its long running-campaign to have the antisemitic terror group banned in its entirety, but the revelations of the 2015 plot raise serious questions about the government’s inaction up to that date.

Joan Ryan has written to Sajid Javid to ask why, when Parliament was debating proscribing Hezbollah, the plot wherein three tonnes of explosives had been stockpiled, were kept secret from MPs. In addition, she asked what further steps the government is taking to counter the actions of Hezbollah and how the government intends to target the funding and operatives of the pernicious terrorist organisation.

You can view the letter to the Home Secretary here.

In addition, LFI Vice-chair Louise Ellman MP has written to the Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott, asking to clarify Labour’s position on the proscription of Hezbollah considering these revelations. You can view the letter to the Shadow Home Secretary here