Shadow Chancellor and LFI vice-chair Rachel Reeves MP

Shadow Chancellor and LFI vice-chair Rachel Reeves MP yesterday pledged that a Labour government would look to the example of Israel’s “economic miracle” as an alternative to the Conservatives’ “managed decline”.

Speaking at the United Jewish Israel Appeal Israel 75 business breakfast event, Reeves said that “Israel’s lesson is instructive” and pointed to the Jewish state’s “strategic public investment” in “unlocking private sector funding”.

She argued that the UK should “look to Israel’s economy at the age of 75, and ask ‘What can we learn?'”.

“On Israel’s 75th anniversary, I’d like to pay tribute to that spirit of optimism and hope. Here in Britain we have much to learn from it. With Labour in government, I assure you we will”.

Elsewhere in her speech, Reeves praised those Israelis who have protested against the Netanyahu government’s judicial reforms, and issued a message of condolence to relatives of the British-Israeli Dee family killed in a terror attack this month.

Delivering her speech to a packed room of business people from the Jewish community, Reeves also reiterated her and Labour’s condemnation of antisemitism within the party: “Keir will never tolerate, I will never tolerate, and the Labour Party will never again tolerate that behaviour”.