LFI has written to Labour MP Andy Slaughter asking him to condemn antisemitic chanting which occurred at a demonstration he attended last week outside the US Embassy. Mr Slaughter was one of a number of speakers at a rally called to protest at President Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Videos of the protest showed participants chanting “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Mohammed is returning”, referencing a 7th century slaughter of Jews in Saudi Arabia. It also showed two protestors waving swastika banners right next to the podium for almost an hour.

As well as Mr Slaughter, LFI director Jennifer Gerber has also written to Diane Abbott. The shadow home secretary is a patron of the Stop the War Coalition, a co-sponsor of the protest.

In her letters, Ms Gerber wrote: “For the avoidance of any doubt, references to ‘the Jews’ and calling for their slaughter is not a legitimate criticism of Zionism or the state of Israel. It is unequivocally vile antisemitism and should be condemned as such.”

LFI vice-chair Louise Ellman has written to the commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Cressida Dick, referencing the antisemitic chanting and asking her to investigate whether it breached section 18 of the Public Order Act. The act bars abusive or insulting words likely to stir up racial hatred.

Click here to read LFI vice-chair Louise Ellman MP’s letter to Metropolitan police commissioner Cressida Dick, click here to read LFI director Jennifer Gerber’s letter to Andy Slaughter MP and here to read her letter to Diane Abbott MP.