LFI officers have written to the secretary of state for international development, Penny Mordaunt, to urge the UK government to urgently make funds available to support coexistence group MEET, Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow.

MEET plays an essential role in bringing young Israelis and Palestinians together to foster peaceful dialogue. LFI has long advocated support such projects which are essential in laying the foundations for a lasting peace.

As a result of the 2018 Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act, the US government has cut off all funds to people-to-people projects. While the intentions of the legislation may be to target the glorification and funding of terrorism, the current US administration has interpreted it in a way which imperils the funding of organisations which promote reconciliation, coexistence and peace, such as MEET. In combination with previous cuts to coexistence projects from the Trump administration this threatens to undermine efforts to prevent further violence and terrorist acts, through the promotion of dialogue.

Consequently, LFI officers have requested that the UK government make available funds to support MEET, to fill the void left by the Trump administration’s cut-backs.

You can read more about LFI’s coexistence campaign here, and find the letter to the secretary of state here