Shadow foreign secretary David Lammy MP

Shadow foreign secretary and LFI parliamentary supporter David Lammy today reminded colleagues in the House of Commons of their “duty to act responsibly and judiciously as the facts are determined” and appealed to politicians of all parties to “be wary of disinformation, and to avoid dangerous speculation before the facts are clear”, as events developed in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

He also reasserted Labour’s position of support for Israel following the attacks by Hamas: “Since Hamas’s appalling terrorist attack on Israel 11 days ago, Labour has been crystal clear that: first, we support Israel’s right to defend itself, rescue hostages and protect its citizens; secondly, international law must be followed at all times; and thirdly, civilians must not be targeted, aid must be provided and innocent lives must be protected. Gaza is in the middle of an active humanitarian emergency: innocent Palestinian civilians are terrified for their lives. Can the Foreign Secretary today commit that the Government will leave no stone unturned in their diplomatic efforts to secure humanitarian access to food, water, fuel, electricity and medicines, and to ensure the establishment of humanitarian corridors and the proper protection of humanitarian workers? Palestinian civilians in Gaza must know that the world is not simply watching, but acting on their behalf.”

Click here to read the full session.