David Lammy > David Woolfall, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy will seek to ‘retool’ Britain’s foreign policy in order build prosperity for working people under a prospective Labour government.

As part of a series of proposals set out in a pamphlet for the Fabian Society, Lammy states that Foreign Office under the Conservative has been ill-equipped to deal with the international crises that have contributed to Britain’s physical and economic security.

In particular, Lammy points to the failure the Foreign and Home Offices to coordinate a response to emerging threats, highlighting their failure to react forcefully enough to Russia’s espionage activity at home prior to it’s invasion of Ukraine last year.

In response, he proposes the creation of a new joint organisation between the two departments which he has called the Official State Threats Cell.

This new body would more ease the sharing vital information in order to better assess the nature of emerging threats and develop common responses to them.

This proposal follows LFI’s call for the government to “set out how it intends to combat and disrupt the threat posed by Iranian disinformation in Britain and internationally” in last year’s pamphlet Iran: A Darkening Picture at Home and Abroad.

The full details of Lammy’s foreign policy proposals were announced at a speech in Westminster on the 28th March.