Ayatollah Khamenei > Tasnim News, CC BY 4.0; via Wikimedia Commons

An Israeli real estate businessman and a Chabad House, as well as hotels and entertainment venues frequented by Israeli tourists have been revealed as being the targets of an Iranian-planned attack in Cyprus.

Greek intelligence services reportedly also arrested seven Pakistani nationals who were recruited by Iran to carry out attacks in Greece.

It is not yet clear whether they were also linked to the Cyprus plot.

The leader of the cell reportedly escaped and an international warrant was issued for his arrest.

Israel’s national intelligence agency, the Mossad, was reportedly closely involved in uncovering the plots, alongside the intelligence services of Greece, Cyprus and the United States.

Cypriot media reported that the plot was linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the Iranian regime’s ideological terror army.

The operatives had reportedly used the northern part of the divided island, under Turkish occupation, as staging post for the planned attack.

Israel formally acknowledged that the plot had been foiled on Sunday, warning that its operatives would continue to thwart “Iranian terrorism wherever it raises its head”.

Israel’s national security council warned earlier this year that Cyprus and Greece were countries where Iran is likely to target Jews and Israelis.

Both countries are popular with Israeli tourists and are home to relatively large expat communities.