This article initially appeared on PoliticsHome.

The former London mayor this morning reignited the row over his claims the Nazi leader had supported the creation of a Jewish state in 1932 “before he went mad and murdered six million Jews”.

Mr Livingstone – a key ally of Mr Corbyn – was suspended after making his remarks on live radio in April, but Labour bosses have yet to rule on whether or not he will be re-instated.

Speaking on the BBC this morning, he said: “I think they keep putting it off because the simple fact is I’ve got so much evidence that says what I was saying was true.”

PoliticsHome understands that Mr Livingstone’s case will be dealt with by Labour’s National Constitutional Committee, which is made up of 11 party members. A source said they will meet “as soon as logistically possible” over the next few months.

But Michael Dugher, vice-chair of Labour Friends of Israel, said Jeremy Corbyn should step in and insist his long-standing colleague is banned for life.

He said: “Given that Ken Livingstone has repeated and defended his previously anti-Semitic remarks, it’s high time action was taken now to kick him out of the party for good. This has gone on for months

“Every day that drags on leaves a lingering suspicion that the leadership are somehow hoping to delay this decision until after the party conference, with a view to Livingstone being quietly let back into the party should Jeremy Corbyn be re-elected.

“Given that Jeremy’s credibility in terms of combating anti-Semitism is already hanging by a thread, he should make it publicly clear today that the party should meet urgently to deal with Livingstone. He may be a close friend and political soulmate of Livingstone, but Jeremy must show some leadership to make clear there is no place for anti-Semites in the Labour party.”

A spokesman for Mr Corbyn said: “Ken Livingstone’s membership has been suspended pending an investigation by the Labour party.”