LFI vice-chair Christian Wakeford MP

At today’s statement from the prime minister on the situation in the Middle East, two LFI parliamentarians asked questions to the prime minister on the government’s strategy towards Hamas and the IRGC.

LFI parliamentary supporter Alex Davies-Jones MP asked: “Everyone in this House is united in wanting to see the fighting in Gaza come to an end as soon as possible, with a sustainable ceasefire in place. As the Prime Minister rightly states, it was once again Hamas who rejected a US-brokered deal that would see the fighting stop, the release of hostages and allow far more aid into Gaza. What pressure is the Government applying to our allies in the region who provide support to Hamas, to urge them to do all they can to make Hamas accept a deal?”

Later, LFI vice-chair Christian Wakeford MP asked: “It has been over 15 months since it was reported that proscription of the IRGC was imminent. Since then, Iran has continued to fund and supply Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. Following this continued funding for terror and destabilisation, what more does Iran have to do before the IRGC is proscribed?”

You can read the full debate, including the PM’s responses, here.