Labour Friends of Israel today met with Keir Starmer for the first time since his election as leader of the Labour party. LFI chair Steve McCabe said he was “delighted to chair a meeting between LFI and Labour leader Keir Starmer”, adding that “since his election, we have already seen the start of real progress in tackling the scourge of antisemitism in the party and rebuilding our relationship with the Jewish community.”

Keir Starmer thanked LFI “for the crucial role they play in the Labour party, for contributing to a balanced debate on the Middle East and for their work in supporting initiatives to promote a peaceful two-state solution for the people of Israel and Palestine.”

The meeting – which took place on Zoom – was chaired by Mr McCabe. The other LFI participants were Baroness Meta Ramsay (LFI chair in the Lords); Adrian Cohen (LFI lay chair); Dame Louise Ellman (LFI board); Sir Trevor Chinn (LFI supporter); Jennifer Gerber (LFI director); and Michael Rubin (LFI political director).

Topics discussed included tackling antisemitism in the Labour party; combatting Israel obsession and hatred; Israel’s security; the BDS movement; annexation; and coexistence projects.

Mr McCabe pledged that LFI “will play a full and constructive role in supporting Keir”.

Commenting after the meeting, Keir Starmer said:
“I was delighted to meet with Labour Friends of Israel today to put on record my thanks for the crucial role they play in the Labour party, for contributing to a balanced debate on the Middle East and for their work in supporting initiatives to promote a peaceful two-state solution for the people of Israel and Palestine.

“I also wanted to make clear that I understand the past few years have been difficult for members of LFI as far too often the debate on the Middle East and Israel has descended into hateful anti-semitism. As Labour leader I am determined to confront this, rid our party of anti-semitism and ensure we conduct our political debate in a respectful and constructive manner.”

Mr McCabe said:

“I was delighted to chair a meeting between LFI and Labour leader Keir Starmer. Since his election, we have already seen the start of real progress in tackling the scourge of antisemitism in the party and rebuilding our relationship with the Jewish community.

“It was encouraging to hear from Keir that under his leadership Labour will once again be an honest-broker on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Our Labour values require us to support those progressives in the region who are working for peace and a two-state solution.

“Ending the disproportionate obsession with Israel is also vital to making our party a safe and welcoming space for Jewish members once again, as well as winning back the trust of the Jewish community.

“I made it clear that in relation to Labour’s current policy position the LFI does not support any form of boycott or sanctions against the Jewish state.

“It is extremely positive that he has agreed to visit Israel with LFI as soon as is possible. We will play a full and constructive role in supporting Keir and I look forward to working with him to rebuild our party.”

Categories: Labour PartyNews