Today Joan Ryan MP, Chair of LFI, wrote to Labour General Secretary Iain McNicol over concerns about the party’s inquiry into antisemitism allegations at Oxford University Labour Club:

Dear Iain

Further to our conversation on Monday evening, I write to express again my deep concern about the nature of the inquiry that has been set up into the allegation of antisemitism at Oxford University Labour Club.

I believe that Jan Royall was an excellent choice to lead this inquiry and I have every confidence in her ability to investigate these very serious allegations and ensure that Labour demonstrates clearly that there is no place for antisemitism in our party.

However, as I suggested on Monday, I believe it is highly inappropriate for this inquiry and that into the election of the party’s Youth Rep on the National Executive Committee to be rolled in together.

Ideally, two separate inquiries would have been established. I now seek an assurance from you that Jan will be asked to conduct two distinct investigations and two separate reports will be published in due course. This will help to provide a degree of reassurance that allegations of antisemitism are being treated with the seriousness that they deserve.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Rt Hon Joan Ryan MP
Chair, Labour Friends of Israel

Please click here to read the original letter: Letter from Joan Ryan to Iain McNicol on antisemitism