The Chair of LFI, Joan Ryan MP, has today written to Jeremy Corbyn following comments by Labour MP Naz Shah:

Dear Jeremy,

I was extremely disturbed to read this morning the reported comments by Naz Shah.

They highlight once again a highly offensive and totally unacceptable discourse which is currently apparent in the party.  While it is only being conducted by a small minority of members, I believe it is doing the Labour Party’s reputation great damage. Tragically, it is leading some of our Jewish fellow members and supporters to consider whether Labour remains their home. We need to act now to show them that it still is and to prove that Labour has an utter intolerance of racism in whatever form it takes.

I urge you, therefore, to take immediate and urgent action to tackle this problem. I would ask that you make clear publicly that both the language and substance of Naz Shah’s comments do not in any way reflect the views of the Labour Party.

We also now need a comprehensive plan to show that anti-semitism has no place in our party. I am supporting both the action plan proposed by Progress and the rule change for this year’s conference drafted by the Jewish Labour Movement. Swift implementation of both can only be assured with the weight of the leadership behind it.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Rt Hon Joan Ryan MP
Chair, Labour Friends of Israel

Please click here to read the original letter: Letter from Rt Hon Joan Ryan MP to Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP

More on this story can be read here.